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my blog , my say. don't like , go away.
» @ 16.7.10

i thought of _ , until 21;23;43
/mate potato saket. ouchhhh.

YES. Its like , FRIDAY , NIGHT :D.
Im getting sick of school. & talking about school , here's what happened today .
HL did Salsa , thought of doing it properly, but someone spoiled my mood.
Made me falling on the table during Eng , Maths , Recess. Ate/Talk as usual.
Physics ? Sat at the back with DarylLim & GuoJie.

After school , slack for awhile and went straight home :D.
I'm a goodgirl. YeaYeahYeahhhh. Currently falling asleep while sitting down.
I feel like my head's gonna hit the keyboard , & then i die.


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